Type your name into Google with the word needs in quotes. For example: "(your name here) needs". Write the first 10 results in a note and tag friends.
- Joy needs tragedy. (No, thank you)
- Joy needs a better understanding of the nature of evil. (Oh, believe me, I know it already.)
- Joy needs to take a lesson and step to the back of the line. (probably)
- Joy needs prayers. (Don't we all?)
- Joy needs no translator of Flickr.
- Joy needs a new storyline in general. (Agree.)
- Joy needs new ingredients.
- Joy needs jokes. (Yes. I need to have some fun.)
- Joy needs 11th hour help. (Yes to that again.)
- (If) Joy needs to apologize for a single facetious adjective, then I think you need to apologize for the baby-eating jokes... (haha)
Here's one from me:
- Joy needs something new. She has a lot of things to do but yet, she's bored.